Sunday, August 27, 2006

I am hurt, I am sad.
was that my fault?
or expected a lot?

I am hurt, I am sad.
cease the chapter
to be like the aster

I am hurt, I am sad.
question is why me?
for me its horrid creepy.

I am hurt, I am sad.
or just oracle?

I am hurt, I am sad.
there was a known reason
but finally it was illusion

I am hurt, I am sad
my worry
& your hurry

I am hurt, I am sad
you deserve more
coz smooth is your core

I am hurt, I am sad
wait for amend
please donot bend



Shrikrishna said...

That was nice.. did you write it yourself :P.

Hmm.. but never let your emotions betray you through your public writings.

Amar said...

Deep words and still deeper meaning. Life is like this....divided between desires and rejections.

Nayana Kulkarni-Dongare said...

Yeah, written by one & only Me.

ABC said...

Hi Nayana, this is Saurabh Kulkarni.

Nicely written. keep up the good work!
Glad to know that you've taken up writing..